I have met some wonderful and helpful people on this site and just wanted to say a big Thank YOU! to the creators.
I have met some wonderful and helpful people on this site and just wanted to say a big Thank YOU! to the creators.
Tara I will back you on that...and a big thank you to all the people that keep it great......with all their input peace zane
Welcome to Active Rain Tara. Keep posting and commenting and you'll see your relationships here grow. It's almost mind exploding to read all the great ideas here, isn't it? BTW, love the imaging on your personal website.
Hi Tara,
I agree. It is a great place to connect and promote your business, especially through blogging.
Continued success !
Welcome to active rain Tara. You will find many an idea here. There is more information in these pages than any place on earth. If you have quesstion - You just have to ask!