
Introducing ProSPOTLIGHT

Home Stager with GUYTrendz

I've been a real estate agent in Las Vegas, NV for a few years now and found significant success in promoting my business online. I've used SEO strategies, social networks, and other methods to drive traffic to my conversion websites. Along the way, a business partner and I designed a system to promote our websites to top 10 results for targeted keywords. We decided to make a part of it available to any professional who wants to promote their business online and we turned it into a community called ProSPOTLIGHT.

ProSPOTLIGHT is a place for professionals to promote themselves and their business offerings. For real estate agents, we believe it is another way to augment your online presence. By no means is it intended to replace active|rain (we all know how fantastic A|R has been as one of our online promotional channels), but it is intended to serve as another place to direct traffic to you.

It is VERY focused on SEO practices and takes some of the best principles of the internet (we think) and merges them into a powerful publishing tool and professional directory.

Check out ProSPOTLIGHT and feel free to sign up. We released early last month so we are still in an early beta phase and we are VERY open to feedback and suggestions.

Thanks and good luck in your real estate sales.

