I did do the January Box at my New Years Eve gathering at the lake, and it was a hit- I was kinda surprised because of the mix of people, but I brought enough boxes (gift boxes at the boxing week sales) for everyone and printed off my version of this concept.
Questions were about:
an honest look at where I am at in these areas and do I like it?
financial goals and true current measurements, assets & liabilities...net worth
"There's a BIG difference in not wanting to retire and not being able to."
spiritual growth or plans for that and scriptures that encourage me
dictionary definitions on CHOICE.
Family goals
Personal goals for weight, relationships, and an honest assesment of where they are at now as well as what needs to happen to move them forward
questions like " who do I need to make ammends with? When will I do this?
Is my conscience clear? Why not? How can I clear it?
IsS there anyone I need to forgive? Who and when will I do it?
Where do I see my weak areas? My strengths?
Am I taking care of my health? What can I do differntly?
Would I like to travel and where? Will I this year? How do I arrive at that?
What are my hobbies? DO I need new ones?
What can I try that I always wanted to try?
Where is your head right now? Where are your emotions?
What do you love to do? DO you do it?
Just some of the concepts. I tried to copy and paste it but it did not work.
Happy New Year!
Below, I am shooting an old Israeli Building in Jerusalem....go where you love to go, live your life !