Appeal Today Save hundreds or thousands Each Year After
It's Easy When you know How!During uncertain economic times such as what were are experiencing now, the effort of appealing a property tax bill may prove well worth the time and effort involved.
Most people are intimidated to "fight city hall" but the fact is it's easier than you may think with proper information. Yes you can hire an attorney, the cost is around $1000 and more and even they will hire an appraiser to do most of the work anyway. There are companies that do it for a percentage of your savings... So if you save $1200 you pay them $600 depending on the agreed terms. You can hire an appraiser, but in most states if you hire an appraiser you also have to have them come to your hearing... So that process is about $600-$900. OR you can do it yourself in about 2 hours. Some realtors charge a small fee to compile comparables and others don't. The hearing is a very informal... You really want to try and discuss your case of tax reduction with the assessor at his office first. But usually that will be like beating a dead horse, but armed with organized data you could influence a change. Don't be fooled by the nice person behind the counter in your local office or the tax assessor. They are not personally attacking you, their job is to not destroy the tax base. While the majority of us are not appealing property taxes, the assessor's job is made easier by you just allowing them to charge you year after year the same amount. It's up to you to prove your home's value. Oh and when was the last time your property taxes were reduced? I have successfully fought my taxes on my properties for over 20 years and I now use an organizational system that makes it easier than I could ever imagine.No Matter What State You Live in there is an Opportunity To Lower Your Taxes Now, But Your Window is Closing. About 2 hours of work could save you Thousands of Dollars, year after year after year. You will receive your tax break every year after, meanwhile your neighbors will be still paying higher tax bills... Reduce your taxes. Take advantage of economic times, otherwise while your property values decrease you will still be paying more in property taxes. Doesn't seem right does it?
Time to Appeal Your Property TaxTime is limited You Must Prepare Now!
As the price of homes has skyrocketed in the USA, so have the property taxes. Now the price of homes are decreasing, your assessment is way over valued and not appealing your property tax now can cost you thousands of dollars...It was estimated by the National TaxPayers Union, that 60% of all property owners are over paying on their real estate taxes. You could be leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table, year after year. Yet only 2% of property owners bother to appeal...
Reducing property taxes is immediate and very rewarding to an owners bottom line and ironically increases your property's value. Once you establish your new tax assessment, the savings is ongoing year after year. And in economic times as we have today the savings is significant and is well worth your time to fight for a reduction in your property taxes .
If you want to fight your taxes and fight them right, here is a link (Organize and fight for a reduction in your property taxes) that will get you organized and ready to win. With help from your local realtor and a little time you can save hundreds maybe thousands year after year. Don't put this off! Start today and save tomorrow...Here is a link of most tax assessor's offices nationwide to start your search Nationwide Tax Assessor Search
During uncertain economic times such as what were are experiencing now, the effort of appealing a property tax bill may prove well worth the time and effort involved.The Appeal Process in simple form:
- You must present proof of the value that your home is less than what you assessor has indicated on your property tax card.
- In order to do this you should have current real estate listings and current real estate sales. 3 each is a good number...
- You must present proof of the value that your home is less than what you assessor has indicated on your property tax card.
- Ultimately if you have all your ducks in line and your rehearsed speech your assessor will comply and take off hundreds and even thousands of tax dollars off your home property tax. It's really that simple! If he does not agee then you apply to the county for a reduction and you appear before a the county assessors
If you need help try this...Click here for help Appealing Your Property Tax This will help you organize and process your application to reduce your property taxes the right way, the first time! It's a low cost $39.00 Ebook but it will definitely help and definitely worth every penny.. I use the same materials...
Good information! We are protesting our 2012 assessment. We purchased our cottage last summer and have an appraisal within $500 of the purchase price. The assessment came in substanitally higher than the purchase price. It seems that there would be no better indicator of value than what someone is willing to pay! Ready for summer to enjoy the place again in the sunshine!
You should have a good chance to fight your taxes. The appraisal is the ultimate evidence to secure a re evaluation. Remember to ask your appraiser to come to the hearing. They should know the routine.
Good luck!
What everyone shoudl know is when a re evaluation fo your tax area has been done, it is the best time to fight your taxes. Tiem will be on your side. You are not required to prove a certian percentage difference and can save even $1 if you win. Usually the town will talk with you and coem to some agreement . The adjusting company will most likely not cooperate, since they have to prove their job and vale. It would be like getting paid for a job and then admitting they were wrong.
Here is alist of towns that have just had their re evaluation process done by this company in NJ.
Now is the best time to fight your taxes if you have been just been re evlauted. If you are not in time then you can alwasy do it again in December directly with your tax accessor.