At some point in your career you may need an Assistant but financially you don't feel ready. Hire a part time high school student. They are computer savvy and they multi task.
I have a 16 year old daughter I have trained to put out signs, put the lockbox on the door and fill the flyer box. She also maintains my website. While my assistant is entering in all the listing information I can go on with setting up listing appointments or taking out buyers.
High school students usually are looking for spending money not to become rich as your assistant. So they may not cost as much as a full time employee. Many of them can navigate the computer faster and more efficient so the work is completed in half the time. Since many times it is their first job they are also focused and if they are like my teenager they are hooked on the internet and driving.
As summer is approaching and as you get busier teenagers are as eager to find job consider someone in Generation Y.