I'm nearing the end of a transaction in which I haven't sent or received a single fax and I couldn't be more jazzed about it. Simply put: I hate faxes. As nearly every part of my work life becomes digitized, fax machines have kept an analog stranglehold on the preferred method by which signed documents are transported from one location to another and I'm sick of it.
Let's get with it agents; scanning a document to a pdf is the way to do it! Who doesn't like a clean fresh email instead of a jumbled splotchy replica of a document? Easily to read, and a snap to save and store, electronic documents are the way to go. And if you don't think you have the software available, you're wrong. There's all kinds of free pdf software out there. I'm a fan of CutePDF. You can literally turn anything you can print into a PDF. I use it ALL the time. And it's FREE.
And to take this one step further, I propose that a file naming convention be established in the real estate industry. When I get a document and the file name is A019_00067156.PDf, I have to open it up just to find out what it is. And how in the heck am I ever going to remember it a year from now when I'm looking a particular document from a particular transaction. Give your files names that are relevant to what they are. Here's what I propose:
1401MaplelnInspectionRequirements2008.12.04SIGNEDBYBUYER .pdf
Notice how you can much information you can decipher from just the file name. It's a breeze to manage the myriad documents that clutter up a transaction. Come tax time, I'm going to easily be able to send a copy of my client's HUD statements because I've scanned then stored them with recognizable names. All that I have to do is open the transactions digital folder and find 1401MaplelnHUD2008.12.29FINAL and I'm golden. If all agents did this, we'd all be off a lot better.
So, here's to you, agent on the other side of this transaction who hasn't sent me a single fax. I praise you. I wish more agents would show the digital propensity that you have. Once this transaction is over, I might even send you an e-card thanking you for the smooth transaction.
Nicholas Lerner