
Let me be your Cheerleader, I’m strong enough to lift you!

Real Estate Agent with Max Broock Realtors

 Megaphones & pompons

Kristal wrote a post about being an ambassador for your area and your profession.  It really got my wheels turning.  So thank you KK!


I love my community….. Birmingham Michigan is just a wonderful place to live.  I’m very enthusiastic about my city when helping people decide where they want to live.  Hopefully all of us Realtors are knowledgeable about the cities we sell in.



What really excites me is the concept of being an “ambassador” for other Realtors. I call it being a cheerleader.  I’d like to be considered as a role model.  Am I?  Who knows… But I do strive to be a role model.  I specifically like new agents. Full of wonder and excitement, new agents are eager to make their mark on the real estate world.  At my office, typically the new agents tend to be younger individuals.  I’m 33 and relate very well with the newbie agents.  I’ve bonded with a few new agents in my day.  I love to be available for questions.  I love to be the cheerleader!


Being a “cheerleader” is not for everyone.  Some of us may like to “fly solo”.  Some of us may not have the patience it takes to mentor a new agent.



For me the reward is twofold. 

First is the friendship that ensues.  I love making new friends.  As if you haven’t gathered that after my 4 weeks of posts on The Network. 

The second is the accountability.  I like being accountable to people.  I like to know that people are watching me, its very encouraging to me.  I’m always up for the challenge. I ultimately end up being the real winner; I always learn so much from others. 


The lesson I’m trying to teach….

Give as much of yourself to others as you can.  BE A CHEERLEADER!  You’ll get more back than you could ever hope for!   

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Kristal Kraft
Novella Real Estate - Denver, CO
Selling Metro Denver Real Estate - 303-589-2022
Sara, You are a great cheerleader.  I really enjoy having you around...good post.  How'd you get the RED?
Sep 18, 2006 06:15 PM
Sara Lipnitz
Max Broock Realtors - Birmingham, MI

Long answer to a short question.

I type all of my posts in WORD, then cut and paste. So I can use colored type. 

I'm not that great of a speller, so I need to do it that way.  I could use that Google spell checker, but it's not friendly with AOL.  And I still have AOL. 

Funny thing... I may be a bad speller, but I'm a math wiz.  I can tell you the cost of any item that's on sale plus sales tax.....To the penny!  Or does that make me a good shopper??

Sep 19, 2006 01:05 AM
Maureen Francis
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel - Bloomfield Hills, MI
Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel

I was about to make a comment about your pom poms, but I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.


Sep 19, 2006 01:43 AM
Dave Rosenmarkle
Highland Realty, Inc - Fairfax, VA
33 years of providing fully satisfying service!
There are not enough Cheerleaders in our industry. Yeah, your Broker wants you to do well, all the way to the bank. But in an industry of Independent Contractors, more people are needed to encourage and cheer the new folks on. Go Sarah!
Sep 19, 2006 04:27 AM
Haven Realtors
Haven Realtors - Bloomfield, MI
Could you just take down Hummel before you retire from ActiveRain?
Oct 08, 2006 09:00 AM
Sara Lipnitz
Max Broock Realtors - Birmingham, MI
I'm here.... that is my plan.  I'll have it done by Tuesday.  Miss you!
Oct 08, 2006 01:37 PM