Little Falls, New Jersey
My home Town
•· Then-Little Egypt (The land between the Peckman River and the railroad crossing on Lindsley Rd. This land was used to grow corn.
•· Now-The farmland is long gone to be replaced by Saint Vincent's Nursing Home and The Summit condo complex.
•· Then-Beattie Carpet Mill (1844). First used to make rugs and later used to make military items during the Spanish American War-World War 1 & 2 and then went out of business.
•· Now-The original buildings were converted to condos and there is a newly constructed mid-rise building on the property.
•· Then-The old foundry next to the railroad tracks on Main St. as well as the smoke and acid smell from the foundry.
•· Now-A new large Laundromat.
•· Then-The Brownlee's Boathouse located on the Pompton Turnpike at the river bridge, where actors often could be seen having their meals.
•· Now-The Entenmann's Bakery new outlet store.
To view a bit of Little Falls history- visit my website @ to see my newest listing
To view the condo complex in what was Little Egypt visit: northjerseycondos .com