
You may think you have a mold problem, but you may not!!

Home Inspector with JLC Inspections Inc.

Hello everyone, JLC Inspections back again with another bit of information on indoor air quality problems. I recently did an investigation on a home of a 46 year old man that thought he was suffering from a mold problem in his home. He had the typical flu type symptoms for an extended period of time, the doctors could not figure out what was wrong, and he continued to get progressively worse.  I did a full inspection of his property for moisture related issues and found the property to be in fairly good condition. If you have not reviewed my bio, then you may not be aware of my secret weapon on the war against mold. I have in my tool belt two MOLD DETECTION DOGS. That's correct, dogs that sniff out mold, what a concept. Not such an unbelievable scientific concept if you think about it. Dogs finds drugs, bombs, people, dead bodies, and such, they are even detecting cancer in people, so to find some mold in a home that is not visible, is not so unbelievable. So anyway, I worked one of my dogs through the home to find that he could care less about anywhere in the home, no alerts, and no indications of mold. Being the type of man I am, I believe my dog (more than I believe myself) and start looking for the answer for my client's problem in some other places of the home. Further inspection turned up a broken dryer line on the clothes dryer. This dryer just so happened to be centrally located in the center of the main portion of the home, and adjacent to the cold air return of the furnace. Being that it has been a bit cold recently, the man had been running the HVAC system regularly. The cold air vent was placed low in the wall, and had lint from the dryer on the outside of the grate. Further inspection of the furnace filter returned the answer to the mystery. The broken dryer line was pushing out dryer lint into the laundry room, across the hall, and into the HVAC system. Hot dryer lint can create bacterial contaminants that can be much more detrimental to a person's health than mold spores. The lint and potential bacteria was then picked up by the HVAC system and spread throughout the home like the perfect delivery system that it was designed to be. The lint and bacterial was causing something called hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Big word, big problem if not caught in time. The moral to the story is tell everyone you know that improperly sealed dryer lines can cause health problems.  See ya next time. Like to hear your comments on my many blogs if you have a moment. Thanks        

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Denise Gray
Realty World Alliance - Wichita, KS
Realtor SRES, Wichita Kansas Homes

Dogs are capable of so much of trained properly. My brother-in-law is an exterminator. He had a dog that could sniff out termites.

Feb 06, 2009 03:11 PM
Jack Clausen

Thanks for the comment. Just so happens that the same guy that trains the tertmite dogs does the mold dogs as well. He is in florida. Have a great weekend

Feb 06, 2009 03:17 PM
BethAnn Long
RE/MAX Inland Empire - Spokane, WA
Realtor, CRS, e-PRO, CLHMS Spokane Wa Real Estate

Hi Jack,

How are the dogs trained? I have a very good friend/client who won a mold case against a builder.  It took several years. She is now extremely knowledgeable about mold poisoning. This is an interesting case, I hope it is now fully remedied and the results prove you right and that this home owner feels better and does not having any lasting problems. Best wishes, very interesting!

BethAnn in Spokane

Feb 06, 2009 03:19 PM
Vickie McCartney
Maverick Realty - Owensboro, KY
Broker, Real Estate Agent Owensboro KY

Hi Jack~ Wow! I never heard of dogs being able to sniff out mold!  I never thought of a dryer blowing the lint around and into the HVAC system and causing a form of pnemonia either!  I am also RN and never heard of anything like that!  It never ceases to amaze me the interesting things I learn in activerain.... 

Feb 06, 2009 03:32 PM
Doug Aaserude
Inactive until May. 2009 - Beaverton, OR

Great use of mans best friend. I have never heard of an inspector using dogs to sniff out mold or termites. But it makes total sense.

Feb 06, 2009 05:57 PM