No matter who you are selling your home too, first time buyers or just any buyer, they do not view your home as you do, they cannot, because they have never sat alone in the living room reading a book, or sat around the dining table with family and friends, no they see your home quiet differently to you.
Want to see how they view your home, see it through their eyes on the walk through, then take the hands of two adults, and I mean literally hold the hands of two of your friends and walk your home, from the front door in, and it becomes easy to see how the comment ' This is a small place" forms in the buyers mind. How many detours and course corrections do they have to make to walk the rooms, can they all get into a room easily and stand to view the space, or have to crane their necks to look around the body ahead of them. this is only true if two buyers and a Real Estate Agent walk the home, add children running and dashing about the rooms and now you see how a buyer can make a large home, small in their mind.
Try it, it's not only fun, but a real eye opener for sellers.
Donna Plant
Home Staging by Streamline H. S. Ltd.
Remember when selling a home, perception of value changes with presentation.