As the President of the National Association of Realtors, I have heard from many members and clients about how frozen markets are affecting our businesses. Your elected leadership and the NAR staff have been working day in and day out with the new Congress and administration to ensure that your concerns about revitalizing housing are central to the economic stimulus package. Now it is your turn. Make our united voice heard in Washington that a housing recovery is the key to Unlocking America’s Economy. Contact your members of Congress today. Charles McMillan
2009 NAR President
Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
Your Congressperson
Your Senators
Below is the sample letter:
Subject: Reviving the real estate market must be the focus of the Stimulus plan to be sent to the President Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here], The current economic crisis is the result of problems in the nation's housing markets. Efforts to boost the overall economy will be wholly ineffective if the Economic Stimulus bill that goes to the President does not include provisions focused on stabilizing real estate markets.
Both the House and Senate versions include provisions that are consistent with a housing plan that Realtors have advocated for several months. A few more changes are needed. Provisions offered by the National Association of Realtors that must be included are:
*The $15,000 home buyer tax credit that was proposed by Senators Isakson, Lieberman and Dodd.
*Permanent FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan limits that match the levels enacted in 2008.
*Increased resources for foreclosure mitigation efforts to stem the flood of foreclosures.
Housing has always lifted our economy out of past economic downturns. Let's get housing moving now so that the economy can recover. Please support the inclusion of these critical provisions in any economic stimulus bill sent to the President.
Thank you for your hard work.