Recently I engaged in a conversation via another Active Rain members blog. Of course, between business people, engaging in conversation includes an element of sharing expertise, self promotion, along with being challenged and finding solutions. I feel it is senseless to try and deny the truth that an element of self promotion exists, and it certainly seems that this is the main reason we are all here anyway using Active Rain as a vehicle to raise and elevate our profile.
What I find disturbing, however, is that in the course of a conversation, the blog author can pick and choose which bits and pieces of the conversation are displayed to the public. Particularly using the defense that the response was nothing more than self promotion.
If there is any integrity to conversation, it is uncensored, open, and in this medium, shared with others for everyone's benefit. Controversy can even be a good thing. Any conflict, if persevered in conversation as a means to "discover" what lies beneath, amazing answers and opportunities for learning and growth can be achieved for both members.
It is to this end, that I encourage you to be involved in engaging conversations and to persevere. While I completely agree with eliminating spam, to deny a voice that genuinely offers meaningful dialogue, is to hurt the community we endeavour to create, the relationships we seek to build, and the opportunities we seek to discover.
Without adversity, you would never develop wisdom, and without wisdom, success would be short lived indeed. ~ Napoleon Hill