
The LOVE ebook for Charity and Valentine's Day!

Education & Training with Writing Roads

Hi Active Rain Community!

Love Ebook


I decided to do something a little different for Valentine's Day this year...I gathered a bundle of love-filled artists and created The LOVE ebook. It's packed with love poems, photos and artwork - and it's available for FREE Download on my blog - the perfect Valentine's Day present....AND I hope you will all take a moment to help a wonderful recession-inspired charity, Career Gear (helping men get and keep jobs - they are just terrific).

Please go to my blog to read all about the project, download The LOVE ebook and make a donation if you have a bit to share!

Thank you all so much!


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Goodbye Active Rain
Out of Real Estate

Julie, Thank you for the ebook.  Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Feb 11, 2009 01:09 AM