The properties below are this week's top rated properties in Germantown:
Location: 11412 Applegrath Way, Brandermill
Status: Active, (Bank Owned
Priced: $164,900 (Originally priced at $164,900)
Built in 1986
Value: 10 (Hit the really good buy list)
Condition: 6 (Slight aroma, newer appliances, new carpet, paint is okay, needs new windows)
Location: 6 (Backs to other townhomes)
Motivation: 7
Investor Rating: 19.5 (Good rental property - could be a flip at the right price o/a $140,000)
Total Rated Score: 29 (Shouldn't last long especially with the low interest rates)
Location: 18640 Sage Way, Cinnamon Woods
Status: Active (Bank owned)
Priced: $134,900 (Originally $144,900)
Built in 1975
Value: 10 (Great rental property)
Condition: 6 (Needs new appliances and carpet)
Location: 6 (Backs to other townhomes)
Motivation: 8 (Really motivated Bank)
Investor Rating: 20 (Really good rental potential flip o/a $120,000)
Total Rated Score: 30 (Should be the first to sell in that subdivision)
Location: 20229 Shipley Terrace, Lakeview (Close to Town Center)
Status: Active (Bank owned)
Priced: $136,000 (Originally $169,900)
Built in 1983
Value: 10 (Great rental 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom)
Condition: 6 (Needs flooring and paint)
Location: 7 (Close to Germantown Town Center)
Motivation: 7 (Uninformed, under marketed Foreclosure)
Investor Rating: 20 (Speaks for itself - good investment)
Total Rated Score: 30 (Will not last long at all)
The above properties have either lowered their price (increased value) and/or added to their condition - they can now be considered good buys.
For your information Team Limejuicer and I have previewed over 3000 homes in the past year and a half. We rate and rerate if necessary, homes on a daily basis - this system allows us to not only keep our seller clients informed as to their competition, but also allows us to find the best valued properties for our buyer clients.
Hopefully you found this information useful, if you would like to learn more about the Limejuicer Rating system please feel free to contact me directly. Team Limejuicer is waiting to serve your real estate needs and always welcomes referrals! Thank you for your time.
Lawrence Evans, P.C. - Real Estate Consultant
Re/Max Town Center
Cell: (301) 922-2156
Office: (301) 540-2232 Ext 125
Homes sold so far this month: 33 - Averaging 3 a day
The Limejuicer Rating System is copyright protected 2008