
Know the Genealogy of Your House

Real Estate Agent with Landmark Realty, Inc.

I recently hosted an open house in Alton, Illinois that was one of the most educational that I've every done.  The homeowner had photos and small cards with information placed all over the house for visitors to familiarize themselves with the history of the house.

The history not only included how and when updates were made, but also included framed photos in strategically placed areas of the original family that built the home in the early 1900's with historical information on the family.

The information answered many of the questions for my visitors who became intrigued at reading each and every card on display.  I picked up two good leads when I was able to add information that I was familiary with for the area surrounding the house.

As a former history teacher and a genealogy buff, I was intrigued by all of the information the owners were able to supply, and as with all genealogy, I was able to associate the house with a time period in historical events of our city.

Just a thought!

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Ron Bridges
ERA Wilder Realty, Inc. - Sumter, SC

Hi Linda,

Great post.  I also love to learn the history of a home.  Not only does it fascinate me but I have found that people that are interested in a home also like to hear the history of the home.  On another note, you sound like you need to check into the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  Here's the link:  Enjoyed the post.

Feb 15, 2009 02:36 AM
Ron Bridges

Hi Ron,

I thank you for your comment.  It made me realize that I should probably add a preservation link to my website.

Our area does have a quite a history and many homes and buildings are on the National Register.  Even though most written accounts start about 1817, it's my opinion that settlers were here many years before that date.  My reasoning is based upon records of French Canadian settlers at Fort Chartes and Fort Kaskaskia in the mid to late 1700's.  My many great grandfather was one of these settlers and he was one of the first Lieutenant Governors of Illinois following his service in the American Revolution.  As a trapper and hunter, his movements have been proved south to Nashville where he is considered oneof the first white ment to settle in that area.  Common sense would tell us that he would also have traveled north.

Another indication is the fact that land grants were issued for Calhoun and other counties of the Illinois Territory following the war of 1812.  Calhoun records indicate there were settlers as early as 1815.

All persons involved in real estate should become familiar with their selling area history.  I find most clients identify and are intrigued with the information.

Feb 19, 2009 12:11 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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  Best to you!

Feb 08, 2018 01:00 PM