
New ASHSR Chapter President for a New Year

Home Stager with ALR Home Staging and Showcasing, LLC


In December, we announced the change in leadership for our Metro Atlanta ASHSR chapter from myself to Annette Burnett of Sellers Advantage Home Staging from Johns Creek.  Our first meeting of the new year was also Annette's first official meeting as our new leader---and she rocks!  Special thanks to Brook Furniture Rental for hosting our meeting, AGAIN.  =)  They've been very supportive of our chapter from the beginning.

Our agenda for the meeting included ideas for projects for the chapter to do together, in an effort to EDUCATE the consumer about what we do as home stagers but to also market our businesses and our chapter.  We are working on two projects for the Spring:  one is a community-service project for our 'friends' at the Georgia Cancer Foundation and the other is Before and After event to physically show the difference between a plain old vacant home and a staged home. 

The Georgia Cancer Foundation holds an annual Fashion Show event.  The models for the show are friends of GCF and are Breast cancer patients and/or survivors.  The clothing, the hair, the's all donated.  We're donating our time and talent to help create the centerpieces for the show on March 28 at the Intercontintental in Buckhead.  Tickets are still available! 

The 'Big Reveal':  our Before and After event, is a two day event.  We are scheduling the walk through of the Vacant home in St Ives Country Club and an introduction to what we going to do on March 3 as the 'Before' event.  Then we're inviting our guests to come back, and hopefully bring a friend, or two, for the Staged walk through on March 10 as the 'After' event and join us for lunch, staging education and networking opportunities at the site.  All Atlanta-area real estate professionals are invited to join us if you want more information about the event. 

All in all, Spring 2009 is going to be a busy season for our ASHSR chapter.  We expect it to be a sign of more to come for the balance of the year for all of our businesses. 



Due to certain circumstances, the Big Reveal event has been put on hold indefinitely.  It was decided at the last minute (and unfortunately about 3 hours after I posted this) that things are not 100% aligned as needed to make this a successful event for all involved.  So, at this point the executive decision was made and we're going to continue planning and announce the new location and date sometime in the near future. 


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Cathy Lee
CL Design Services Home Staging - Danville, CA

Brook Furniture Rentals is so supportive of the staging industry!  I recently attended a Stager's Appreciation Day/Lunch and Tour of their So. California wherehouse.  It was a fabulous event!  Your Big Reveal sounds terrific!!  Wish I could be there!!      

Feb 19, 2009 10:32 AM
Abby Roselli
ALR Home Staging and Showcasing, LLC - Staten Island, NY
Staten Island Home Stager

Hi Cathy, I heard it was a great turnout!  How awesome!  When it happens, as we've had a change in plans since I posted this (and I waited to do so....), you can be sure you'll see a post with pictures.  We're eager to make it happen...we have all the vendors lined up...just need the perfect seller, house and agent to make it all happen.  Thanks for commenting.

Feb 19, 2009 11:57 AM