That question was put to me recently. And I really had to think about it because I deeply believe in a number of things.For instance I deeply believe in my religios beliefs and my way of life. I will defend it to the death need be.
I also firmly believe that a person has a right to live and die on their own terms (as long as others are not hurt)Hospice is one of the best Medical Organizations out there. They don't save lives,they make the lives of the dying bearable for themselves and their family.Then they continue with follow up care after the loved one is gone.
I believe that much more needs to be done to help those with mental health issues,Especially our children.Autism,depression,anxiety,schizophrenia and the list goes on. These children are not asking for help because they can't or do they know how. Responsible adults need to help them.Instead Mental Health facilities are closing.What does that indicate about how we feel about our children.
The housing market has become afforable for first time home buyers but they have become scared off by the media. I appreciate the media and know that without it we all would be in the Dark Ages,however their irresponsible reporting at times has led to the detriment of many.That I HATE.
As you see ther are a number of things I feel stongly about. I don't get involved politically because that is another of my STRONG and passionate beliefs.However I do feel that a small group of people can change some things around them,look at the marketing industry. They simply tell us over and over again what we need to buy. So why don't we tell those around us what needs to be done to improve things....and sooner or later it could happen.
So maybe I'll start with my passion for helping First time home buyers get in the market and stay in the game.