I recently got an iPhone to replace my Treo. My Treo was OK but not as user friendly as I would like and the built-in Supra Key was frustrating, slow and often had software issues.
The iPhone auto set up my email (I only had to add my password) and I was able to use it from day one without even reading the user guide.
Email is a snap and I signed up for MobileMe for one year ($99/yr) so that my contacts and calendar are instanting in sync in real time. Same for contacts - no sync is required.
The visual voicemail is very efficient. No more listening to every single message just to see who calls. I get a list of messages with the phone number and/or name of the caller and simply touch and listen in whatever order I want. I also don't have to listen to my greeting or enter a password to get into my voicemail box.
If I am on a call, and another one comes in, the screen lights up with the incoming caller ID info, and 3 touch screen buttons appear - ignore/send to voicemail, put 1st call on hold and answer 2nd call, or hang up with 1st call and answer 2nd call. It is great for juggling calls.
I like the touch screen concept and being able to jump directly where I want to instead of scrolling through multiple menus to get where I want to go.
Texting is efficient, with a history of all texts maintained on the phone so I can remember who I am talking with as well as the history of our conversation. The touchscreen keyboard is a little different but I was used to it within an hour and love it now.
The screen is double the size of my Treo and most Blackberries so for a 40+ year old, it helps a lot to SEE everything!! Websites and pdfs (like contracts that come in via my efax) are easy to read and can be seen in landscape or portrait and zooming in or out is a simple touch ("pinch") on the screen - no menus needed!
It is intuitive, super easy and the downloadable apps give me a great real estate calculator and other tools like touch speed dial buttons to customize my phone.
For me, this is a great work machine and has been the best technology decision I have made in a long time!
Becky Babcock, ERA Sunrise Realty