
Pass It On RE Agents, Buyers Need To Know "Its Not All Doom And Gloom"

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Thompson's Realty

Sunset on oceanI know there are tons of qualified buyers out there that just can't seem pull the trigger to buy a home, condo or whatever kind of real estate they would love to have. The reasons are many, the negative press saying we have not hit bottom, friends and family saying wait, the prices are going to go lower, look at how many people are losing their jobs, eventually interest rates are going to 3% and I'll wait till that happens, the banks are'nt loaning money etc. As real estate agents we hear it all.

I also know there are going to be tons of buyers that a year or so from now are going to say "I should have and could have bought that house for X. Buyers have to be armed with the positive reasoning why it is a good time to buy real estate, and who better to do that then the folks that do this for a living, the real estate agent.

What a great time for a 1st time homebuyer or somone who has not owned a home for 3 years to buy a home and take advantage of the new $8,000 tax credit that is NON-REFUNDABLE. Don't have a large down payment, or your credit score is not pristine but respectable, hey FHA is your source, only 3.5% down and FICO scores can be as low as 620. Have great credit, I spoke to a Washington Federal mortgage originator that said if you have good credit and have good debt ratios they will do 90 to 95% financing! Many agents and buyers think this type of financing is a thing of the past. . just not so.

Buyers and real estate agents it is not all doom and gloom out there. It is a great time and the right time to buy real estate. Prices are at an all time low, interest rates are low, there has to be at least ten homes that are right for each buyer with inventory at an all time high. So I say, stop listening to all this day to day negativity about the market, stop letting the fear factor take over good judgement. There is no better time to buy real estate than right now. A year from now you will be saying "I got a smokin deal".

If you are in the market for a home in the next 90 days and want an agent that has your best interests at heart and knows the Scottsdale/Phoenix real estate market and knows how to get you the best deal and has the best finanancing sources call me at Buyers 1st Realty, TJ Harris, 480-836-4338 "We're always on the buyer's side".

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Tim and Pam Cash
Crye-Leike (Sango) - Clarksville, TN
Real Estate Professionals - Clarksville TN

TJ - great post.  I believe you are correct that many are sitting on the fence or being advised to for 'better deals' to come.

Mar 16, 2009 08:07 AM