My husband, a true mentor in finding the positive in all aspects of life, gave me a little book to read a few days ago. I just finished it and wanted to share it with you all.
The title is How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life. It was written by Tom Rath and Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D.
This book is short, sweet and to the point so it won't take you long to read and digest all it has to offer. The subject matter is basically reminding us to work on promoting the positive assets our family, friends and coworkers possess instead of pointing out only the negative ones. It explains that by doing this we not only will make these people feel good, in turn you yourself will gain positive tones from the experience. Sort of like paying it forward. The book states true statistics and studies and gives examples which were very interesting.
I found the book interesting and thought provoking. I believe if we follow some of these ideas, we just may help make a friendlier and happier environment to live in for not only ourselves but for those we come in contact with.
I hope you can check it out and let me know if you follow through with the suggestions did they work.
Have a great weekend!