Thinking of getting away?? Need a get away? Then, Join us in savannah for our 74th annual Historic Tour of homes, sponsored by the Historic Savannah Foundation and the Women of Christ Church.---Event Date--3/26-29.
So you don't miss out, their website is Where you can book hotels,tickets and find out more information. In this 3 day event, there is something for everyone. tTours of private homes in different parts of the historic district, garden tours, tours of ardsley park homes, and special lectures. Each day has a different selection of homes to preview. So ck. out the site. But don't delay tickets always sell out fast.
I will once again be a head host for one of the homes on Thursday march 26, a great restored home @ 220 e.gordon st. dating back to 1870. It has side porches, gated garden, ground level living area, and 2 floors above containing a top of the line kitchen, parlor, dinning room, sitting room and bedrooms on the 3rd floor.
The weather should be great--the azealas beginning to bloom (it has been cold here lately) and the weather perfect for walking and seeing a part of history--cobblestone streets, squares, and moss draped trees. The timing also overlaps with the beginning of the savannah music festival--so you might want to stay a few extra days---ck. out all the march/april savannah happenings at -
So come visit us --and if you get over taken by our charm-and would like to have a vacation home here, or relocate --give me a call and I will show you --what's available in the realestate market.--andrea