
With Identity Theft Increasing at an Alarming Rate,

Services for Real Estate Pros with

We started offering lifelock to our clients, so they can offer it to theirs. We are all members and at the discounted rate, it's sooo worth it.

Offer it to your clients, and everyone at a discounted rate, and make a few extra buckaroos here and there!





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Pete Xavier
Investments to Luxury - Pacific Palisades, CA
Outstanding Agent Referrals-Nationwide

Hi Shelly, You are very thoughtful in your concern to others about credit identity fraud. As far as LifeLock is concerned it is a waste of money! Don't believe that? than understand that the Life Lock system is not  proactive they MONITER your credit and than they have the insurance (insurance is after the fact) there are many reported problems with clients making claims with Life Lock. This is not hard to research. What do I do? I put my credit on "freeze" it had cost me a one time fee of $9. (for all three bureaus) here in GA other states charges vary.  The credit freeze is available in all states some will say all but a few but the last three states (that did not have it) that inacted the "credit freeze" law was in November 2007. So if I like to buy something with a new credit line or want a new credit card I would use a touch tone phone to "thaw" it with a pin code and it only takes minutes than refreeze it after my credit is checked.I've had dozens of people ask me about this and I just tell them about the "credit freeze" program.  LifeLock is not worth the money. From years of experiance on this matter. Regards


Feb 23, 2009 09:22 AM
Shelly Whitworth - Carmel, CA

Thank-you Pete, yes you can do many things to secure your identity yourself, but most people simply do not.

With lifelock people can not open up a credit card, purchase a car or boat, or open any new accounts under your identity. I see that as pro-active. I'ts a cheap way to know you're covered for anything new, but you still have to make sure no one steals your credit card you already have in use. Just like anything you need to know what you are covered for. You need to report it within 30 days.

They have credit bureaus set fraud alerts so people dont open new credit cards, get cell phone plans, buy a car etc. without me knowing. They do this every 90 days with all 3 bureaus, something I don't have time to do.

They request that your name be removed from lists of pre-approved offers for credit cards and/or insurance.

They order free credit reports yearly for me

They have Walletlock, SO COOL - if you lose your wallet, lifelock contacts all credit card, debit card companies & banks you have for you, cancel accounts, complete paperwork to have them replaced, credit/debit cards, driver's license, social security card, insurance cards, checkbook - even travelers checks - at no additional cost.

I'm completely confident that if someone tried to buy a car or open a new credit card under my name I'd be notified first to stop it.

If they somehow do open something in my name, they'll spend up to $1M to make it right, something that can take years and a lot of dough to fix yourself.

Way worth it to me!


Feb 23, 2009 09:49 AM
Konnie Mac McCarthy
MacNificent Properties, LLC - Cobb Island, MD
Broker/Owner - VA & MD "Time To Get A Move On!"

Very interesting...I have heard of life lock, but I didn't know you could freeze your credit yourself.... cool

Feb 23, 2009 10:23 AM