I love living in Tucson! It may not be Spring yet where you are, but we've had a week of 80 degree weather here this week. The wildflowers I planted a few months ago are almost ready to bloom. We spent last week with birthday's galore: My youngest, my daughter Dawn turned 40, granddaughter Julia turned 2, and step-granddaughter Emelie is now 11. So I threw a party for February birthdays! My good friend, Mary Pope Handy, also had a big birthday this month and is throwing a party! Smart lady to combine having fun and connecting with friends and clients!
How I love parties....... It was so much fun to relax and enjoy friends and family. The house gets such a nice cleaning and organizing when we are planning a party, a sense of order feels good. We've been in this house for 26 years and moving is probably going to be the only way to get my husband to let go of things! I have made peace with the fact that this man won't change and since I've invested 31 years with him, it's pretty silly to let his habits drain my energy! I listened to Byron Katie say the other day, "If the socks on the floor bother you, pick them up!"
So, for me, it's was about where can I make impact and I didn't have to go very far to see the obvious answer: my office. I discovered there were files and notebooks from my old CoachU days (95-95) and tech files I've saved that date back to 2000. So I tackled the letting go of lots of old paperwork. I'm giving away books as well. Throwing away floppy disks! I don't even have a machine to put them in. Maybe you don't hold onto stuff like this, but if you do, how about making it a project this month to LET GO?
This is a good fit for using the Law of Attraction, by the way. If you want to attract good stuff, make room for it. Overstuffed filing cabinets, bookshelves and closets don't give you room for the new, good stuff. Now, I am not espousing waste. Do recycle. We have a great listserve called www.Freecycle.com here that connects people who have stuff to give away and people who need stuff. There may be one in your town too. When you put anything back out into the universe, it releases energy. Letting go gives you more energy and gives others that energy! Pretty cool, huh? I bet you could fill 1-2 garbage bags with stuff you don't need any more.
While you are clearing the physical mental space, how is your internal level of stuff draining energy? I use, with my clients, a coaching checklist called Clean Sweep that you can use to see where your energy drains are. The assessment has a 25 point checklist for four areas of your life: environment, health, finances and relationships. Realize that EVERYTHING that doesn't work, that annoys you, that you are putting up with and tolerating is draining energy. Some of it you can do something about and starting today with just one of those items, will lessen the outflow of wasted energy. Some of those things you can't do anything about and you need to stop worrying or suffering over. Let go and accept it is the way it is. Life isn't fair. NEXT>>>>> Because there are so many great ways you can spend your energy to make a difference. Take the Clean Sweep and see if it helps you identify some areas to "clean-up" "buff up" or let go of. It doesn't matter where you start with this assessment, but the goal is to get to about 90 because at that place, you'll notice there is a lot less drag!
There's one last area I am going to suggest that can lift a weight from your shoulders. What are you still doing or belonging to or volunteering time with that no longer holds passion for you? Sometimes, we keep doing things out of habit, or say yes when we really don't want to so someone else will be happy with us. Let go here! Personally, I did this lately in a couple of areas that were hard to let go of, but that I knew weren't serving me or anyone else because my passion had waned. I sold The Real Estate Games to Coach Patti at the end of last year. And I decided to leave the faculty of No Blogger Left Behind. Both of these courses are fantastic and you'll still get great benefit with Coach Patti or Frances Flynn Thorsen, but it was time for me to move on. Right now, I am really focused on not having my energy be dissipated by too many obligations. It feels good. I am loving my life.
Use March to get a jump on this, and I'll bet if you do, you'll see the results in production in the 2nd Quarter of the Year!