
$8000 Bailout Gift for Your Friends

Real Estate Agent with Lowery Home Team at eXp Realty

Finally a bailout for responsible, hardworking folks who pay their bills. Last week, Congress approved an $8000 tax credit for homebuyers. And it is not just for first-time homebuyers. This applies to anyone who has not owned a home in the last three years. Some of my retired clients are planning to take advantage of this free gift. They sold their home in Ohio at the peak of the market, and have been waiting for the right time to buy in the Annapolis, Maryland area.

Who do you know who does not currently own their own home and could use an extra $8,000? Coworkers, kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, friends, sports buddies? Let's share the wealth with our friends! They may not know how easy it can be to own their own home, and with a little help from friends like you, they can do it today.

One of my favorite leaders in the real estate industry, Rich Levin, posted to his blog for Realtors on Friday Stimulate Somebody Today:

It’s Friday, and this week you have received a huge gift. The Federal Government gave you a winning lottery ticket. You were given $128,000 with one condition. You have to give it away. You have to give it away in $8,000 segments to first time Buyers. You have until the end of the year.
It gets better. That amount, $128,000 is $8,000 times 16 people. When you have sold 16 first time Buyer’s homes and used that first lottery win… the Federal Government will a lot you another win for as many more as you can accomplish.
So, spend the weekend celebrating this gift by calling everyone you know that may be a first time Buyer, that may be related to a first time Buyer, that may know a first time Buyer, that may employ a first time Buyer, that may run into a first time Buyer sometime this year. Hmmmm, that means everybody.
Start today. Continue this weekend. Make it a habit for the year. Talk to everyone you meet about sharing your gift. And like all of the most valuable gifts in the world, like love, the more you give it away, the more it comes back to you. The more you share this gift, the more people will admire and respect you as an Agent, use you and refer you to all the people who may be buying or selling.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Let's share the wealth! Contact me for details on this opportunity.