Just in case you are not aware, (as these kind of things seem to creep up on us)...
Monday, May 14th the United States Post Office will increase postage.
That's right, those 39 cent stamps are going to need a companion stamp again, so stock up on your 2 cents or remember to update your postage machines.
Letter-size mail will increase from $.39 to $.41
Flats (large envelopes) will increase from $.52 to $.80
Parcels/packages will increase from $.52 to $1.13
Just thought I'd share the reminder!
And, check out PHOTO STAMPS. They are real stamps that you can personalize with your photo or design.
This can be a nifty tool to promote yourself on your mailings, or for your customers as a Thank you (you could print their new house on them) or for gifts for your family with pictures of your kids or pets. I sent some to my Dad once with pictures of his Grandson and he loved them...