
Improvements at 144th Avenue and McKay Lake Open Space in Westminster

Real Estate Agent with Main Street Group at Keller Williams Preferred Realty

Have you experienced the short delays or seen that the expansion project on 144th Avenue between Zuni and Huron?  City of Westminster purchased McKay Lake Open Space in 2000 and in an effort to continue to preserve and protect the McKay Lake Open Space, the wetlands, lake, native plants, cottonwood trees and wildlife, acquired the Barnett property located at the southeast corner of 144th and Zuni, in October 2008. McKay Lake was orginally designed for an irrigation reservoir in th 1800's and later was owned by a private fishing and hunting club before the city purchased it.

Since the construction includes installing water and sewer lines, new storm water, and a box culvert through McKay ditch, there is much work to be done. A few of the Westminster neighborhoods  whereby homeowners may be effected by the road construction will be Quail Hill, Cheyenne Ridge, Silver Oaks, Huntington Heights, and Broomfield's McKay Landing and the Broadlands.

The widening construction will turn the present 144th Avenue into a four lane road. This should ease traffic delays from Zuni Street as well as along 144th and make egress and ingress easier for such neighborhoods at Huntington Heights, Quail Hill and  Cheyanne Ridge.   This expansion will also provide improved traffic flow at the intersection of 144th Avenue and Huron Street, near The Orchard Town Center pedestrian mall and allow access to I-25 more swift as the neighborhood traffic increases due to future growth.  The City of Westminster may have been proactive with this improvement.  Property was purchased with voter approved, open space bond funds along with the extension of the Parks, Open Space and Trails fund in 2006.

Improvements to enhance the area will include a landscaped median islands, curbs and sidewalks . I know many people will appreciate the new planned parking lot on the south side of 144th.  The open space will have easier access to the 115 acre McKay Lake Open Space, making it a more enjoyable experience for those people that walk or jog the one and a half mile trail partially around the lake, with or without their dogs.

Work is to be completed in November, 2009. Watch for lane changes and traffic controllers. For more information on Westminster and Broomfield neighborhoods, contact a real estate professional. 

Posted by

Jolon Ruch

Keller Wiliams Preferred Realty, Main Street Group



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Jacqui Jeffress
Main Street Group @ Keller Williams - Boulder, CO

I drive by this area every day on my way to the office!  It is really pretty going by the small lake and I had wondered what was going on east of Zuni and 144th.  I am happy to see our local officials being proactive and planning ahead for our growth.  The neighborhoods you mentioned, Quail Hill, Huntington Heights, McKay Landing and Cheyenne Ridge are wonderful communities that will only be improved by this project.  It is great to have this open space to walk in, jog in and just plain enjoy!  Now, if I can just get the ambition up enough to actually do a little of that walking.

Apr 02, 2009 03:11 PM
Stuart Dobson - Thornton, CO

There have been so many infrastructure improvements occuring up north around Broomfield and Thornton.  Thank you for the info!

Apr 09, 2009 12:02 PM