
Green Living & Energy Conservation

Services for Real Estate Pros with On Maternity Leave

This past week my husband's subscription to National Geographic started-- It was a Christmas present--  Before the Internet is was definitely the source for current real information-- I remember using it as a child as a reference -- ( by the way its a great gift -- )

In hopes to learn more about how to REDUCE my energy bills -- I have read an article by Peter Miller called Energy Conservation-- There is more to do than just changing light bulbs.  -- It is a great article that discusses one family's attempt to reduce their Carbon Foot Print.

I was intrigued by an inspector" Home Doctor" they hired that found "Hot spots" in there home.  Did you know that just the water heater can consume up to 12% of a home energy bill!!  I live in a townhome 12% of my bill is $34.31-- -- Equiptment on standby is as much as 8% of the bill -- labtop, camera charger, dvd player, clock radio, blue tooth/cell charger -- That's $22-- -- I have spent $60 bucks already and I haven't even turned on the HEAT AC or TV -- Lights!!!

Refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and other appliances, in fact, may represent half of a household's electric bill. 

Its a great story about one families attempt to do better for the enviroment and save money in the process -- You can read more at

 Check out   too to learn more about green living

In North Carolina Read the Save the Watts info at  There is a great check list to check your own home or apartment

Posted by

Jennifer Marks, Broker, CNE SFR

Mom To Be-- Loving Maternity Leave!