As a Professional Home Stager/Property Stylist I help home sellers get their homes sold quickly and profitably. The home staging concept has been around for many years. However I still meet a lot of people here in the Upstate who have never heard of home staging. I love to take a couple of minutes to educate them on the process of home staging and it's valuable it is. Home staging could be the difference between a quick sale and multiple price reductions.
Wikipedia defines it best, "Home Staging is the act of preparing a private residence prior to going up for sale in the real estate marketplace." Although the definition of home staging can be summed up in one sentence, there are many aspects to the home staging process.
De-cluttering and de-personalizing top the "to-do" list when staging a home. This is necessary because when you are selling your home you need to show it in it's best light. Unfortunately most buyers can't see past clutter so it's best to get rid of it, so buyers can see how much your home really has to offer. After all buyers love spaciousness, so show off as much clear space as possible. This includes your yard, garage, basement, and attic. Decide what you really need to keep and what you can give away. If it's old and broken get rid of it. Most people can downsize about 30% of what they have. Holding a yard sale or donating items that are in good condition are great ways to de-clutter and be green at the same time. Plus this will save you time and money you are packing and moving.
If you have alot of personal pictures, collections, or knick- knacks that only you will love pack them away. There are two very good reasons for this. First, when you are selling your home it is all about the buyer. Buyers want to feel invited in and not like they intruding into your life. A minimal amount of personal photos is fine but don't over do it. Secondly, the collections that you hold dear maybe very valuable or have sentimental value to you and your family. You want to keep those items safe and secure from possibly being damaged or misplaced.
Making repairs and minor updates are other key aspects of home staging. Most buyers are not investors so they don't want diy or a fixer-upper. They want "move-in ready"! So give it to them. Neglected repairs and out of date fixtures are sure ways to date a home. Let's face the majority of people like shiny and new. So make necessary repairs and updates so that when buyers visit your home the can focus on the best features your home has to offer and not minor details. Updates can include removing wall paper, painting, updating lighting fixtures, updating bath fixtures, etc.
Once you have finished de-cluttering, de-personalizing, making repairs and updating start cleaning and keep cleaning. When you are selling your home, your house can never be to clean. Spotless is the way to go! Clean every room in the house especially the bathrooms, the kitchen and any area that has been neglected for a while.
Finally there is furniture placement and decor. Furniture placement can make or break a room and possibly a sale. If there is no flow where buyers can easily move from one room to another it can make the room feel cramped and small. Remember buyers love spaciousness so create a clear pathway to get from one room to another throughout the entire house. When choosing decor keep it neutral. You can't please everyone but the goal is to make your home as appealing as possible to the majority of buyers that will possibly buy your home.
It may seem like a lot to do but the reward of a quick and profitable sale will be well worth the effort. Home Staging puts your home in showcase condition so it is always best to stage before you list it. This way it looks great from the moment is it viewable to the public and you won't loose out on any potential buyers.
We work with Occupied and Vacant Home Sellers to get your house sold quickly and profitably. Offering a wide array of Home Staging services in the Anderson, Greater Greenville, and Spartanburg areas of South Carolina, Fresh Eye Designs, LLC is Greenville's Upscale Home Staging and ReStyles Company. Give us a call at 864.351.8305, to see how we can assist you with getting your home sold. At Fresh Eye Designs LLC, Staged Equals Sold!