What a revelation! Work smart and make more money! Lately I have been doing what a friend, Derya Ruggles, calls "Day-Stacking," where I cram into one day what would normally be spread out over two or three days.
This translates into a morning showing, a mid-day open house and then another showing or listing presentation in the evening with previewing properties and paperwork for clients in between. This type of day can easily be 14 to 15 hours long. The great thing about Real Estate and Me is that I love it. I honestly love helping people find that needle in a haystack. It is a lot of work, but for me the intrinsic motivation is what keeps me going.
One thing I learned from an ex- is to always do my homework, so I do that, extensively for my clients. Whether that means doing a CMA until 3 a.m., staying late staging a home or practicing my listing presentation. That way, the next day, whatever I am doing, I am prepared for it. My clients benefit, because they are working with someone that bothered to take an interest in their home and their needs.
All of this Day Stacking adds up, but inspires me to do more and get more done. It makes life so much more exciting for everyone.