Good Morning World! Big smile here as I suck down my daily dose of caffeine so my eyelids stay up.
It's freezing in my neck of the woods, the media is doing it's usual distorted view of things and I'm noticing from all sides how confused the world seems to be. Hopefully soon we'll all land on the same page.
I have noticed buyers are starting to at least get out and poke around, although I hear horror stories from other agents whose buyers can't seem to get the banks to let loose of funding, causing closing delays and extremely frustrated buyers. Investors are freaking out, home prices are still dropping (slightly) and the stimulus package will save us all (right) while foreclosures continue at a record level.
I started doing loan modifications on the side (for those that don't want to short sale or lose their homes and aren't upside down) One customer told me "After I heard on the TV that banks would get incentives from the Govt to modify my loan, I called my lender. My lender basically told me they didn't want to help me modify my loan & that if the lender got my (clients) home they'd be happy because the lender figured the Govt would reimburse them for the actual note due on the home, not some piddly amount to remodify the loan so the bank would lose thousands of dollars in interest." When my client told me that - I about fell off my chair! We all really need to get on the same page to see this through. That includes banks. The most stubborn "child" of all.
I'd love to save the world, but I can't do it in one day or all by myself. I've often wondered how much effect I would have if I rented a megaphone and started walking through local streets inviting everyone to "chat" at the local coffee shop. It seems like it's the "little people" against "corporate greed" duking it out as usual, acting like a bunch of little kids blaming each other so no one gets the only punishment.
Well, guess I'll have to keep speculating (as I don't have enough to cover bail bond in the event I do the megaphone trick and get ticketed by local police) The caffeine is working - my eyelids are standing straight up. It's still cold out - anybody seen an outdoor thermostat I can tweak?