5 Ways to Unleash the Entrepreneur in YOU!
I was pretty excited to write this note because we are at this very moment at a place in time where I believe that some of the greatest innovations, developments, inventions, companies, and success stories will arise as a result than any time in history.
In my opinion this is the ‘Year of the Entrepreneur!'
What is an Entrepreneur?
Definition - A person who has possession of an enterprise, or venture, and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. Most commonly, the term entrepreneur applies to someone who creates value by offering a product or service.
So why do I believe that there is so much incredible opportunity knocking right at your door in these challenging times?
Well, glad you asked!
You see in the midst of challenges some people decide to wear crutches while others decide to grow wings!
So are you ready to fly?
Fantastic! That's what I knew you would say.
First, let me share some things with you that may get you even more excited about what I'm saying.
There's never been a better time in history where we have had the ability to connect with one another on such a massive scale without any obstacles preventing us other than needing a computer and an Internet connection.
Some of the greatest companies of our time began during tough economic times and they didn't have anything close to the resources we have today. But what they did have was something that is far greater and more powerful than any technology ever invented today or even in the future.
What is it?
It's the power of MIND!
Your MIND Power trumps all! Once you tap into the God given potential that you have at your disposal then nothing is impossible.
Don't take it from me, take a look at some entrepreneurs who rose to the occasion during a recession http://tinyurl.com/6ztca8
Remember, tough times don't last but tough people do!
Social media marketing has truly leveled the playing field for aspiring entrepreneurs. Think about this for a moment?
To achieve success online...
...do you need deep pockets?
...do you need to be a computer whiz kid?
...do you need to be an expert in SEO?
No to all those questions!
Pretty amazing isn't it?
Here are '5 Ways to Unleash the Entrepreneur in You!' (PART 1)
1) Keep a journal
Ever had a great idea that just hit you and later on you forgot what that great idea was? Some of the greatest business ideas come when you least expect it and you must have a journal on hand at all times to capture what I call ‘Golden Moments.' This also includes taking copious notes when you're on a training call or at an event. Do you realize that you retain only 10% of what you hear?
You can also capture amazing marketing ideas or a topic for an eBook, report, and so on. You may miss the next greatest headline that can be a hit with your new eBook or web site sales copy. For example, the title for this note came to me when I was driving my car and I was drinking a Monster Energy drink and when I put the drink in the cup holder I noticed the saying on the back of the can ‘Unleash the Beast'.
I love that word ‘Unleash' and I wrote it down in my journal. As a result the title of this note became ‘5 Ways to Unleash the Entrepreneur in You'!
Pretty neat huh?
2) Research your ideas
Once you have a journal of ‘Golden Moments' now it's time to do some research on those HOT ideas. Remember my formula?
Passion + Purpose + Persistence = Prosperity?
Use this formula as the foundation for identifying your 'HOT' business ideas.
You've probably heard ‘do what you love on the Internet and you'll make a killing.'
Not true!
You have to do what you love but you must also do research to determine three other extremely important ingredients that almost every aspiring entrepreneur misses or ignores.
First, you must determine if there is a starving market looking for your 'HOT' idea.
Second, you need to determine if money is already being spent in your 'HOT' niche idea. If people are already spending money right now then all you need to do is get a piece of it for yourself.
Third, you must determine how much competition you have.
Here's my formula:
Hot Idea + Starving Crowd + Money Being Spent + Little Competition = BIG Opportunity!
Now the loaded question is how do you do research to determine if you have a potential winner.
Here are just a few sources for starters:
Amazon is by far one of the best research tools because you can look up the category your idea falls under and identify the sub category to further target your idea. Best of all you can review the comments made by all the people who purchased those products. Sometimes the reviews give you insight to what buyers wish the product had. BINGO!
*Google Keyword Tool
An excellent tool that allows you to research advertiser competition and search volume based on your keyword selected. The greater the niche in your idea the better it is.
For example:
If you do a research on ‘How to Dog Groom' you'll see that there is a search volume of approx 4,400 people in February 2009 for that niche but with little competition in web sites catering to that niche. Use this tool in conjunction with researching using Amazon.
While there are many other research tools available I just want to give you a simple start without getting you too overwhelmed.
Fair enough?
3) Record your ideas
One of the most common excuses I hear from aspiring entrepreneurs who have such great information to share is they have this fear of writing poorly or it's too difficult or it takes way too long. Nonsense! EBooks or reports don't have to be hundreds of pages long. They can be as short as 20 or even 5 pages. It's not quantity it's quality that counts.
Also, don't think you have to unload everything you know in one eBook. I know of many successful entrepreneurs that break up their niche into sub niches and end up kicking out 4-5 eBooks as opposed to one.
Don't have time to write? Why not record yourself and sell a CD or downloadable audio instead? Or you can always have your audios transcribed into text and BAM there's your eBook!
Here are some great tools for getting the job done:
*To record audios, podcasts, or calls I personally use BYO Audio at http://tinyurl.com/cpdh8n
*To record audios on the go with excellent quality use Zoom H2 or Zoom H4 which can be purchased at Radio Shack. Great time saver and it takes the fear out of writing. Unleash that great idea you have and don't wait another minute. You can do this!
*To transcribe your audios into text and save countless hours of typing check out Verbalink at http://www.verbalink.com. Make your eBook come to life with this simple, fast, and affordable service!
*For creating an eBook I personally use eBook Pro which gives you far more security over your content than any others that I've seen. For more info go to http://tinyurl.com/amxv9q
*For creating dynamite covers for your eBook, report, CD, or DVD check out Dynamite covers at http://tinyurl.com/atfkz6
Use this information as a starting block to unleash the entrepreneur in YOU! I believe that you have an unbelievable business just waiting to get started and all it takes is some direction and the will to get it done.
Remember - "If you can dream it, you can do it." ~ Walt Disney, founder of The Walt Disney Company
Stay tuned for Part 2 of the ‘5 Ways to Unleash the Entrepreneur in You!"
Make it a great day!
National Entrepreneur Club
Marco Carbajo is a business credit specialist and social media marketing trainer. He is author of many credit related articles and is President of the National Entrepreneur Club. An online membership community for entrepreneurs and business owners that makes building business credit and social media marketing Simple to Use, Easy to Understand, Effective for You and Affordable for Everyone.