
Jackson Law Newsletter

Services for Real Estate Pros with Jackson Law, Ltd.


Jackson Law, LTD

                            " Dedicated to providing clients with attentive

                                                    representation, sound legal

                              counsel, and aggressive


                                                                              -J. Russell Jackson, Esq.


 Not your typical newsletter.

Jackson Law, Ltd.

 I am pleased to present the first edition of our Jackson Law, Ltd. monthly newsletter. When I first committed to the concept of connecting with our firm's clients and friends on a consistent basis through this media, I was a little hesitant about how this would all work. I personally receive a slew of newsletters from fellow professionals, and although most are informative, I must say that I know exactly what to pick up if I'm having any trouble falling asleep at night! The truth is, most newsletters from legal, financial and other professionals are technical and boring. This is because they are probably canned industry formatted newsletters that simply have the name of the firm slapped on the top. When I decided to move forward with this endeavor, I knew that we were going to do things differently. I figured I owed as much to my friends and clients that have been such an integral part of the success of the firm over the years. So you have my word that our monthly rag will be a true production of the firm, for better or worse.

With that being said, each month we will be including information and articles relating to the areas of law in which we consistently provide services. Hopefully we can look at a number of important national and local topics from a more personal perspective, to examine the impact these issues may have on you directly. Above all it is our intent to provide helpful, interesting, and at times amusing information, to keep you up to speed and well informed on a variety of topics. So each month, we hope that you read a little, learn a little, and always keep us in mind if we can be of assistance. - J. Russell Jackson. Esq.


Coming Soon!


CASES IN RHODE ISLAND By J. Russell Jackson, EsqTo receive a free e-copy please E-mail your request to -


Recommended Reading:

Crunch Point: The 21 Secrets to Succeeding

When It Matters Most

by Brian Tracy

Timely advice for personal and business crisis

Management..... JRJ


The IRS Niche:


Dealing with the IRS can be a daunting and intimidating prospect for most people. In fact, many people who have tax issues with the IRS would probably prefer root canal over dealing with the IRS to get the problem resolved. Despite avoidance, procrastination, and wishful thinking on the part of many, tax problems don't go away by themselves.

 This past October, I traveled to Denver to attend a two-day conference on IRS problem solving tactics. I look forward to continuing to hone my skills and represent clients in this growing practice area. I also look forward to providing great information in future newsletters about common problems and potential solutions when dealing with the IRS.


 Jackson Law

Real Estate Practice Areas:

  • Title and Closing
  • Services
  • Short Sales
  • Loan Modifications
  • Evictions
  • Landlord/Tenant Law
  • Real Estate Litigation
  • 1031 Exchanges
  • Planning and Zoning
  • Residential and
  • Commercial Leases
