
Grace Realty Group Investors Help Local Economy

Services for Real Estate Pros with Grace Realty Group

The present economic decline has been described as the greatest financial crisis to strike America since the Depression. Job losses are climbing and most predictions are alarming at best.

Grace Realty Group is in the position of being part of the solution to today’s problems. Our redevelopment projects create jobs for construction workers, architects, building material manufacturers and suppliers. County and state government administration personnel kept busy permitting and inspecting our construction sites. We are having a very positive impact on the economy in that area in a time of uncertainty. And don’t forget, redevelopment is the ultimate recycler of otherwise worn-out buildings.


The reason the Grace companies can do this is because of our investors. Without their faith in our ability to “git ‘er done” and the role of real estate investment as a major market influence, we wouldn’t have this opportunity. So, we have only words of gratitude to our investors on behalf of the folks in Marianna, Florida. Without you their holidays wouldn’t be nearly as cheerful.

Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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Oct 18, 2016 12:21 PM