
It's Fire Season in West Virginia

Real Estate Sales Representative with REMAX 1st Realty

It's fire season in West Virginia.Spring fire season officially began yesterday in West Virginia.  Fire restrictions will be in effect until May 31st.  Outdoor burning is prohibited between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.  If you are planning to do any outdoor burning, remember to include a 10 foot safety strip around the fire area.  The 10 foot strip is required by law.  In addition, all fires must be attended to until they have been completely extinguished.  Anyone who violates the fire restrictions will suffer a $300 fine.
Take care with any outdoor burning, not only to protect our beautiful open space but to protect yourself from financial obligation as well.  Anyone conducting an outdoor burn which results in a fire will be held financially responsible for any property damage and the cost of fighting the fire.  In addition, any property damage and the cost of fighting a fire caused by an outdoor burn will be paid by the person who caused the fire.
Be careful out there!