
How's the market in McKinney, Texas?

Real Estate Agent with Ebby Halliday Real Estate

A lot of people are not doing well around the country. I feel for them. Our problems in McKinney, Texas are far smaller that those being experienced by most of you. Business, however, is beginning to pick up. Buyers are getting the word that they may not ever see interest rates or prices lower than they are today. My little three person group contracted on 4 properties last week. Two buyers bought and two listings sold. We even sold one only seven days after it came on the market. Our seller in one case turned around and made the purchase of a lifetime in new construction. The house will serve their family well for many years to come. The opportunities are great right now. I really wish the government would calm down and quit messing things up with their dire pronouncements.  

Lara O'Keefe
North Texas Home Finders - McKinney, TX

Ted, that is great news! I have also sold a lot of new homes in the last couple of months. 3 in the last 2 days. I'm seeing tons of 1st time buyers taking advantage of the opportunities out there now!

Mar 02, 2009 01:54 PM