Today's real estate market is one that I have never seen before. Right when I think its getting better, it gets a little worst. I found this great article that gave me some hope.
"... first-time buyers represented more than half of the real estate market.... .... ...."
"Like stalled credit, the cycle of buyers and sellers grinds to a halt when first-time buyers disengage,"
"..... the housing markets have traditionally rebounded well after a recession, Soper predicted the current downturn would last about seven quarters, the same as the market correction in 1989/90. That would mean the market would flatten in the third quarter of this year and start its recovery in the fourth quarter.
"The worst of the bad news will be in the first six months of this year, and next year the good news will outweigh the bad news."
There is much more to this article but I found these key parts to be the most uplifting to me. Hope it gives you a little hope in the years to come.