
There are high speed Internet options for rural living

Real Estate Agent with Crane and Crane Real Estate

I work from home so the internet has become a necessity in our house.  My husband finally got himself a laptop and tears came to my eyes the first time I got an e-mail from him.  My daughters received Webkinz for Christmas, so we now have a new daily ritual of checking on their Webkinz world. 

Although we live in the country we are only 6 miles outside of Columbia.  When we first moved into our house, dial up was our only internet option.  Then Wild Blue internet was offered by our local electric co-op.  It cost us approx. $300 for the equipment with a monthly fee of $79.95 per month for the fastest service.  It is not a cheap option and if it is raining with cloud cover, I take the afternoon off because the satellite won't work.  My husband also enjoys reminding me that it really doesn't seem much faster than dial-up.  Ouch! 

We received a notice in the mail the other day that we now qualify DSL.  Yahoo Hoo!  But, what we qualify for is extended service DSL and we would be the last on the line.  The speeds they quoted us were slower than the speed of our satellite internet, but the reduction in monthly rates is making me almost consider it.

Or, maybe I should try getting an air card from my cell phone company.  But then again, my husband wouldn't be able to e-mail me from his laptop the same time I e-mail him while the kids spend their limit of 10 minutes on the Webkinz website.

Hey, at least now we have options!

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Kathleen Frawley
Keller Williams 916 730-4404 Elk Grove, Wilton, Folsom, Sacramento - Wilton, CA
South County Sacramento, 916 730 4404

Sounds like a better option than moving to the city for sure!

Mar 05, 2009 01:35 PM