I hate to admit it but I am a latecomer to the social networking. I never had a myspace and didn't want to get a Facebook because I felt it would consume too much of my time. With work, family, and volunteering for a nonprofit I really didn't need another "distraction" for my life. I wasn't willing to sacrifice any more of my sleep either. I remember thinking how great TIVO was and how I wouldn't have to sit thru commercials anymore. The plan backfired as I spend time deleting all the programs I never had time to watch in the first place.
But succumbing to "peer pressure" I did get a Facebook and I have to admit I enjoy getting messages and hearing from my friends that live out of state that I unfortunately don't get to see or speak with as much as I want to. I have learned to keep the size down to people I really want to hear from and that I miss. I felt free to be able to reject people that I never really had a friendship with to begin with (you know all those people in high school that weren't you friends and now are dying to know how you are doing ). I hope I can use this technology to help me save time and continue to connect with the people I care about. Well I am off to check my Facebook, but I made a vow not to succumb to Twitter or I may have to resign myself to 2 hours of sleep daily.