
So many changes...HELP

Home Stager with CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign - Durham Region

I have been reading many posts on how AR has been changing.  Sometimes on a daily basis.  My big question of the day is -

How do you get your picture and stats to show up on comments.  I'm usually pretty good at figuring this stuff out...but I'm stuck on this one.

ANYONE??? Please :)

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Marina Vazzana is owner of CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign.  CSP - RESA

Specializing in Home Staging Consultations.

Serving Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and all of Durham Region.

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Kathy Passarette
Creative Home Expressions - Mount Sinai, NY
L.I. Staging/Decorating

Marina ~ AR does it from their end.  I'm not sure where you have to be at to get your picture there, but the stats are for all different things (outside blogs; 100,000 points or more; localism, etc.).  Brad Anderson had done a post; maybe if you do a search under his name you can find it and get better info than I'm giving. : )

Mar 04, 2009 03:41 AM
Marina Vazzana
CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign - Durham Region - Oshawa, ON
CSP, Home Staging Oshawa and Durham Region

Hi Kathy, thanks for filling me in.  I did find it on Brad Andersohn's blog.

Here's the answer from his post for those who may be wondering the same thing:

How do I get my picture to show up when I leave a comment on another members post?  I see photos on some of the comments, but not on others?  Can you explain?

  Member photos appear next to their comments when 1. They use one of the paid services like Listing Router, Sponsor a Community in Localism, or have an outside ActiveBlog or  2. When a member obtains 10,000 AR points.

Mar 04, 2009 03:55 AM
Cindy Bryant
Redesign Etc. Home Staging - Houston, TX
"Houston Home Staging Pros"

It just happens automatically, you can't do it.  It's all based on points.

Jun 22, 2009 04:59 PM