
do you have a business plan?

Real Estate Agent with Windermere Real Estate

Do you wait until something happens to you? or do you make things happen?  That is the difference between successful agents and the ones that eventually leave the industry.

Do you watch the news and get down on yourself?  Yes it happens to all of us.  Bad news sell, good news doesn't.  If you constantly watch the news you are going to have a very difficult time motivating yourself.  Read an inspirational or motivational book instead.  It is fine to be informed but not until you get pessimistic.

Plan your day around activities that are conductive to reaching your goal.  Have a clear goal in mind.  Determine which activities you are good at and perfect them.  Work even harder on those that you need to improve on.


This is a great market!  And there are great opportunities for buyers, your sellers and mainly for you.

Martin Garces

Prudential California Realty