Germantown Housing Inventory Numbers Plummet with Increasing Home Sales
Is Germantown seeing the market changing? Yes - a drop of almost 40% of inventory since the beginning of the year.
Want some good news for a change? There are currently 191 homes under contract in Germantown, during the same period in 2004 there were only 149 homes under contract. These are incredible numbers considering all that has been going on lately, however, admittedly a very large number of these are foreclosed homes.
What you can take from this is the following, call/email all the folks you know that don't currently own a home and tell them that the market is getting much better and the boat could be leaving port soon (in passing you could also mention the rates are only 5% fixed and they only need to have 3 1/2% total cash to buy).
If you have followed my rating system (aka the Limejuicer Rating System) explained in past blogs it is now serving a purpose for which it wasn't originally intended. In brief the system analyses all properties on the market according to value, seller motivation, location, and condition providing both the consumer and the realtor a more accurate assessment of available properties. Well during the lengthy process of development, data entry, thousands of house previews/ratings, tweaking, learning and re-learning a number of unforeseen happenings occured. In future blogs I will explain them all, but for now one of these happenings is the system's uncanny ability to predict within a 7 day period a properties time on the market. At first I wasn't necessary sure what I was seeing, but the more I tested, retested and retested the numbers came together.
So a seller no longer needs to be concerned as to time on the market, the systems knows it and the buyer now also knows all the best properties on the market...Period....