
No, Really!! a free offer...

Services for Real Estate Pros with excell realty inc

The last 3 years of our lives have been spent building a website for real estate agents to use to list their properties on a national listing website that offered what we felt weresome of the tools and technologies that were out there in the market place but were in our opinion too expensive for the average agent to use and still try to make a living. We felt that a need for ongoing training and networking was important along with the ability to create virtual tours for all listings and a search data base that was very easy to use. We have now after three years accomplished these goals and are now working on the ability for agents to easily create a personal website.

   In order for us to start the engine of the website so to speak we need help from you. We are now in the phase of getting our site popul;ated with listings from around the country. Instead of trying to sell agents a membership on a relativitly new under populated real estate listing site, we have decided to offer any

"Motivated" real estate agents a free membership to our site for a full year. All we ask in return is that you help us populate our site and offer us feed back on the tools and offerings that we have in order for us to grow in the right direction. We want the site to be everything a real estate agent would want and need at a price affordable for everyone to become more successful in their careers.

   This is a free offer, you won't have to sign up for a 2 year membership or anything like that. I don't want your credit card number or any future payment arrangement. If you are Interested and motavated to help us populate our site and want  the ability to utlilize our vitual tour software and other tools to make yourself more sucessful this year, please email me and I will send you an ID and Password for you to use.

  We are real estate agents and brokers just like you and have a good understanding of what is needed today to be successful. My father told me long ago that I could do anything in this world I wanted I just could not do it alone! Please help me and I will help you.

Thank you

P.S. The website is

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Jesse Vasquez
Equity Realty- TVG - Smithfield, UT

Hi please count me and in ! and I will support you in anyway that I can!

Mar 06, 2009 04:24 AM
mike fisher



send me your email and I'll get your account set up for you...Thnak You!!!



Mar 06, 2009 04:28 AM
Diane Daley
Caron's Gateway Real Estate - Northumberland, NH

One year free.... I would be willing to give this a whirl....  I'm in Northern NH is that ok with you,....

Mar 06, 2009 04:31 AM
Steve Loynd
Alpine Lakes Real Estate Inc., - Lincoln, NH
800-926-5653, White Mountains NH

Mike.. If it's free it's for me.. Contact me by email, and I'll have a look.

    P.S. Cute Baby..does he have your eyes?

Mar 06, 2009 04:37 AM
Lisa Udy
Platinum Real Estate Group - Logan, UT
Logan Utah Realtor


That picture is priceless, Haha. I wonder if he looks like his mom or dad! ;) Thanks for posting!



Mar 06, 2009 04:40 AM
mike fisher
excell realty inc - Grand Rapids, MI

Ahhh....thats me in the pic as a youngster

Mar 06, 2009 04:41 AM