
calREDD The California Association of Realtors Statewide MLS

Real Estate Agent with Kane & Associates call 510.908.9002

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Our California Statewide MLS is moving along very fast! Aside from the fact that we will be able to search properties through out the state, I am very exited about the vendor! Concentric is the vendor of choice. The agents will be able to go on directly through Concentrics or if you MLS chooses, they can still use the front end of their existing MLS and the agents will not have a learning curve.

Of course your MLS will have to opt-in and join calREDD or the agents will not have statewide access. Concentric is a new company and  it is a fantastic program! They are making presentations to Associations and real estate companies right now. You might want to sit in on a presentation. Go to the calREDD for more info. It is worth it!

The public needs to be aware of this new Multiple Listing Service too. They need to know if their agent will have access to this wonderful service.


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Ann Hayden 636-399-7544
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Select Properties-St. Louis Missouri 314-775-2050 - Des Peres, MO
Jean, What is the charge to the agents going to be? Ann Hayden
Mar 10, 2009 03:35 PM
Jean Powers
Kane & Associates call 510.908.9002 - Alameda, CA
CRS,e-PRO,HAFA,SFR Broker, Northern California

Hi Ann,  The costs have not been determined yet. They have 2 MLS's that have just signed on as their existing MLS contract has expired. Once there are more MLS's who opt in they will have a better idea on the costs. This whole system also involves some associations who may want to be a service center. Getting this al together is a process. All the MLS contracts expire at different times. There are political issues too where the brokers who run or own MLS's do not want to give in and lose their jobs. We shall see soon the outcome as it is moving very quickly.

Mar 10, 2009 03:56 PM