Imagine hands across America with each person holding onto one another with honesty and integrity. People of America that is not an imagination. We as a group, however small, can make a difference in stimulating our local communities. Take Danny Cottrell, for an example. Mr. Cottrell is a pharmacist in a Brewton, Alabama. One day, a few weeks ago, he called in his employees for a meeting. You can imagine how they each thought they were probably going to lose their job. (Brewton ,Alabama is a small town.) If only we could have seen their faces when Mr. Cottrell handed each of his full time employees $700.00 and $300.00 to his part time employees all in $2.00 bills which was a total of $16,000. He asked them to give 15% to charity and to spend the remaining money in their small town of Brewton, Al to help the local business there. Mr. Danny Cottrell gave $2.00 bills because it would be a way for him and local business to see how the money was circulating back into the town. Yes, local business saw the $2.00 bills circulating back into their community. Thank you Mr. Danny Cottrell for making a difference in your community and Country.
Jay Leno was on the View today and he is volunteering his time in Detroit, Michigan for a free show with free parking to the citizens there. Imagine how this is going to impact lives. That community is hurting and it is a blessing for them to be able to go and enjoy great comedy to relieve some of the stress that is upon them. Thank You Mr. Jay Leno for your contribution to our great Country
One person can make a difference! Those that have, can help stimulate their own communities and those, like me, that don't have the cash, can donate time, skills, and labor free of charge to their local community. It is time for all of us to stand up and do something. The people of America will get our economy back on track. Don't wait for the government to do what you can do for yourself. Remember what President Kennedy said "Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country