
Don't let creepy crawlies eat up your investment!

Real Estate Agent with The Real Buyer's Agent

Conductive Conditions are matters of circumstance, elements of the way the property is situated with respect to the environment that encourage the dreaded wood destroying pests and organism to move in, or are otherwise lead to structural decay or deterioration of your home. 

This is why it is so important to keep your termite bonds in place and make sure that you have regular inspections of your home. When buying a house you will obviously not know how well a job the current owners have done. Make sure you inspect the property thoroughly. If there are termites in the area you are considering your move have a termite letter done! No ifs ands or buts, inspection(s) can save you the from buying a "lemon" of a house to thousands in catching a problem before it becomes a nightmare. It would be silly not to protect such an important investment! Your buyer's agent can help recommend which inspections would be best for a particular property.

Once the inspection has been done, Sometimes the condition itself is all that is being reported, but this empowers you to fix it before any damage real is done.  You can always work with a Buyer's Agent and your inspector to develop a plan for correcting the situation.  Make sure you ask what must be done as soon as possible and what items can wait a while.  The condition is reported along with the inspector's findings of damage already done.  You would want to distinguish damage correction from damage control, the immediate fix from the long-term preventive.  You would also need to know whether or not the structural integrity of the building has been compromised.  

Some common problems to look out for:

Defective Grade- this is where the lot slopes toward the home, causing rain water or runoff from your roof to sit at the base of your home rather than drain away from the home, causing damage to the wood and foundation.

Water- poor drainage due to grade, soil bad gutters, missing downspouts or any of about 15,000,000jother conditions can cause standing water against or under your house, that can overtime, literally eat through the concrete foundation.

Earth-to-wood Contact-  many wood destroying pests live in the dirt under and around the house and can get into the wood in your home simply because the dirt was piled up next to it in the crawl space under your house or even in your flower beds.  Moisture can also leach from the dirt into the structure.

Excessively Short Foundation- this causes earth-to-wood contact, but is way more expensive to fix than if the excessive earth can just be scraped away.

Firewood Stacked Against an Outside Wall- the quickest way to invite termites and other woodland pests to a meal of haume cuisine is to stack firewood against your exterior walls.  Firewood is full of tree-mulching fauna who would love nothing more than to be welcomed into your home- literally into the wood that makes up your home.  This can be fixed by simply moving the stack of wood or as complicated as treating an infected area or fumigating the entire building.