Many of you work with a company that has a website. But, if you don't have your own webpage that you have control over, which individually brands online loan applications to you, you are missing out, or even worse your client's loan apps are going to someone else.
Even if you do have your own webpage within your company's website, it probably has a long, hard to remember web address to get to your page. You really should have a website for clients and referral partners to go, to learn more about you, get initial questions answered and apply online.
In 2009, commit to branding YOURSELF as an individual loan officer, have control over your website, talk about what you specialize in, offer tools like online loan apps and calculators, and VALUABLE content to gain you credibility through your website.
Own an easy webaddress, perhaps or - this both brands YOU as well as stays current even if you have to make a company change. You don't want your domain to include your company name in case you change companies down the road.
We offer free trials for individual mortgage websites here: