
Home Prices, Gas Prices, Intrest Rate Changes over the past year

Managing Real Estate Broker with Scott Gregory Group

March 08 compared to March 09: Mortgage Interest rates are down over 1%, Gas prices are down $1.23 per gallon, and median home prices in the Northeast are down $40,000. What does this mean to a buyer every month??? About 376.00 savings per month , see chart below:






Interest Rate 30 Yr





Median Home prices (North East)





30 yr mort Principal and Intrest )20%DP)





AVG Fuel Cost per month, per capita





Total Per Month 2008 vs 2009










Saving per month March 2008 vs 2009





Breakdown of Fuel Estimates





Gas Price per gallon 03-08 vs 03-09





Anual liters of fuel comsumed





Anual Gallons of fuel consumed










Gallons Per Month Per Capita





Fuel Cost per month per capita















Department of Energy Information Administration





International Energy agency











This is truly a great opportunity to buy. If you are a first time buyer you will get an 8,000 tax credit next spring that doesn't have to be repaid. There are still many mortgages being written with as low 3.5% down and a 600 fico score. Not to mention, there are more buying options than ever!!!

Posted by

Scott Strang

Broker Owner

Scott Gregory Group Inc.

Office Phone: (978) 664-2828
Cell Phone:    (617) 312-6717

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Tera Tyner
Lubbock Homes - Lubbock, TX

I like this chart! I think that it is a great time to buy also.....! I guess that is why I am buying more than I am selling...! that is kinda crazy huh? well work hard..!

Apr 06, 2009 01:42 PM