
Answer the question "Why should I choose you?"

Services for Real Estate Pros with

In my last blog I talked about branding yourself as an individual.

Part of that is answering the question for potential clients and referral partners, Why should I choose you?

Why should they choose you? 

Do you close loans on time every time?

Do you offer more programs and rates than competitors?

Do you have the experience required to be trusted with someone's largest purchase of their life?

There are many reasons someone should choose you, but if they don't know those reasons, you haven't answered their question.


A Nugget for you to apply to all your marketing and communications:

To gain credibility, you must answer their question before they ask it.


I offer ready to go mortgage web sites.
If you have a website you should use your homepage and about me page to answer the question, why choose you.
If you don't have a website branding you as an individual, you need one.

Mortgage Web Site Info


Shelly Whitworth
VP Biz Development
