In reading books and articles on Feng Shui and the techniques to change your home (and your life) to attain harmony and success, I believe that the techniques of Feng Shui should be applied when staging homes....but with a twist. What I mean by this is that Feng Shui is taught to us as a means to help us attain personal success, harmony in our life and our home as well as additional energy in our overall well being. If we look to apply Feng Shui to sell a home, it should no longer be about our personal success, harmony or style....but about those potential buyers who come in the front door and we need to capture their hearts. So how do you you do that when you don't know the person coming to visit the home. Does the house itself become the <central being> that we create the Feng Shui environment around. Do we put ourselves in the <shoes> of the house so to speak and say "what type of success do I want to attract (sell the house) and how do I attract like energy when people come to <see> me". It does add a slight twist to how you apply Feng Shui when selling a home ....but the basis is still the same....its about creating a feeling, energy and harmony.