
Top 5 Things Buyers Don't Like About Your House

Reblogger Steve Brien
Real Estate Agent with Home Towne Real Estate

I fully agree with your blog. Lets hope that all our clients take this as constructive not destructive

Original content by Pam Simpson

Top 5 Things Buyers Don't Like About Your House
by Pam Simpson
Desoto-Tate County Real Estate

I came across a discussion on city-data forum the other day on what people dislike about looking at homes.  The following items were mentioned over and over again.  Here are the Top 5 Things That Buyers Don't Like About Your House:

SMELL...Overwhelmingly, the #1 complaint among prospective buyers were unpleasant odors in the Dog smoking Cigarhome.  The chief offenders were smoke, pet odors, and strange cooking aromas.  Some in the discussion said they turned right around and walked out because they found the smells so oppressive.  Most of us are unaware of the 'peculiar' odors of our homes because we become immune to the smells - the buyers are not immune to these same odors.

CLEANLINESS...This one just boggles my mind - the #2 complaint that buyers had about the homes they Dirty Dishesviewed was that the seller simply did not bother to clean.  We're not talking about home staging (which will help) or even unrealistic expectations of the home being spotless - just simple old-fashioned cleaning.  Selling your home can be a bit inconvient, but when you have advance notice that a buyer is coming to view your home - clean it up!!!  At the very least, remove the pile of dirty dishes from the sink. 

...Coming in at #3 is having the owners at home while the buyers are tring to view it.  Most buyers felt very uncomfortable with the seller there.  Many said they could not take the time to really look at the features of the home because they were in such a hurry to get away from the seller.  This is a real problem for FSBOs, as they are usually the ones showing their own home. 

CLUTTER...The #4 complaint is related to the cleanliness point - the dreaded clutter.  We have all seen it on the home shows, many buyers have a hard time seeing your home because of all the stuff.  When I was selling my small (875 sq. ft.) home, I hauled a big truckload of stuff to a storage facility.  How in the world do we accumulate so much stuff?

UNFINISHED PROJECTS...Unfinished projects take the #5 spot.  If you are planning on selling your home, finish up any on-going home improvement projects before placing it on the market.  Homes with half-finished painting, flooring, trim, etc. gave buyers a bad overall impression.

But, none of the above matters if your home is overpriced.  Buyers really hated it when the homes were priced above what the market indicates.  An obviously overpriced home discourages offers because the buyer believes it is an indication of an unrealistic and unreasonable seller.  The more out-of-line your price is with the current market, the longer your home will sit unsold and the more inconvenient the process is for you (the seller).



If your home is priced correctly and you have addressed the other items on this list, it will stand out like a diamond among the many lumps of coal out there.



About the author:

 Pam Simpson is an Assoc. Broker with Bob Leigh & Associates, LLC in Northwest Mississippi.
Copywright©  2009 by Pam Simpson.  All rights reserved...***Top 5 Things Buyers Don't Like About Your House***

  Disclaimer:  All information provided by this author may be  based on information collected from several sources and is believed accurate but not guaranteed.


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Steve Brien
Home Towne Real Estate - Chesapeake Beach, MD

Right on target, Thanks

Mar 13, 2009 12:01 AM